Congratulations Babra!
Babra is one of the Yofochm Children Education Sponsorship Scheme Beneficiary since 2012. She first made it through in 2017 with a diploma in Journalism, there after proceeded for her Bachelors of Journalism and Mass Communication at Metropolitan University, Kampala Campus. We are so proud of her.
God is faithful. Help us educate alot of young girls in the category of Babra.
“Hebrews 13:16”
Charity is not just about giving away old stuff and volunteering when you have the time. It’s a continuous effort to make life better for others, especially those who have less than you. No matter your financial situation right now, there’s always something you can do to ease other people’s suffering. That’s how charity should be. It’s not about what you can give but what you are willing to give.