We’re truly grateful for your donations towards the education sponsorship of 25 children from Youth for Charity Missions International (Yofochm) which covers school fees and scholastic materials for each of their Term / Semester.

Every year, Yofochm supports under privileged students to attain formal education in Uganda. With your help, 25 children are provided with school fees, books, mathematical sets, pens, sanitary towels for the girls and other essentials for our boarding students.

We pray you choose to make a difference in the lives of children with us in our efforts to allow underprivileged children attain a basic right to education. We have so far graduated four children with bachelors degree and diplomas.

You may choose one child to sponsor till he/she finishes her/his education or give as you are inspired to support (See some of the photos of our sponsored children in the Gallery). To donate via PayPal, check our website and use the Donate button on top right, thank you